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国际教学动态丨剑桥大学教育系教授莅临圣桥指导Lesson Study研究
国际教学动态丨剑桥大学教育系教授莅临圣桥指导Lesson Study研究
2019年9月18-19日,剑桥大学教育系教授、世界课例研究教学Lesson Study协会主席Peter Dudley应剑桥大学教育系教师职业发展研究方向博士生、Lesson Study协作研究者、圣桥国际教育教学校长纪颖邀请,刚刚结束在荷兰举办的世界大会后专程莅临圣桥国际教育为圣桥骨干英语教师传递英语教学法。
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Dr. Peter Dudley an education leader, writer and researcher, Peter taught primary and secondary in London and abroad (including teaching English as a Foreign/Additional Language) and has held education leadership posts at local, regional and national levels in England.
Peter Dudley introduced Lesson Study into the UK from Japan in 2001 and has led its development through Research Lesson Study.
Peter Dudley lectures in educational leadership and learning at the University of Cambridge for half his time and during the other half he is Director of Education Commissioning in the London Borough of Camden (60 schools). His currently the President of the World Association of Lesson Studies.
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